Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Me Earl and The Dying Girl (by Jesse Andrews)

Holy brownies.
That was different.
I was smiling and laughing for 90% of this book.
Even though, this is the cringiest thing I have ever read.

Where do I even begin with this book?

I suppose I should start with: 1. You will punch yourself repeatedly in the face over this book (my face hurts and is very bruised); 2. Do not read in front of your parents (unless you want them to see masturbation with pillows jokes); 3. If you are kinda getting fed up of deep meaningful books (still love John Green and everything - just there are too many books like that at the moment) READ THIS BOOK.

Jesse Andrews is a genius. End of. This book makes you feel so many things but at the same time makes you giggle every couple of pages (at least); and it's flippin' relatable (not in the crumbling family with Earl and weird eating habits of Greg's father sort of way), but it in the way of: embarrassing mums, high school sucking ass, not knowing what you're doing with friends, college life looming and screwing up life in general.

All the characters are brilliant, they just play off each other so well and it adds this kinda bizarre humour with Greg's inner monologue, who doesn't love a good inner monologue? And the author, looking back and writing the scenes cursing and threatening to punch himself (which is what I was tempted to do to him - but did to me when it got really cringy), just adds to the wit of the whole book.

Another thing I loved about Jesse Andrews, is that he is so lazy/bored sometimes he just changes the style of reading, sometimes you reading paragraphs of speech, sometimes bullet points, and sometimes you read it like a script. This was really quite brave actually and I must congratulate them - they pulled it off really well.

As well as this, it kinda just shows us the whole media bullshit with books now, they're always romanticizing them - this book takes the mick out of that. This book just kinda goes: 'oh jesus no feelings, ew, I'm not going to fall for the girl with cancer cliche' (which is very refreshing to see). It was kinda great to see two characters so unaffected by a cancer girls' death and for them both to kinda go: 'we barely knew her' instead of crying about how 'beautiful' she was of a person, and for Earl 'you can't let her death guilt you into doing shit you don't wanna' do.' (does this make me a bad person? Lets not look into that...)

So overall, I don't really feel like I've given this book the sort of review it deserves... But please, just don't take it from me and research it, because it is amazing - you will all love it, trust me. Why will you love it? Because it's so cringy and bad that it's actually funny, I mean, if I met High School Greg and Earl now I would probably avoid them and think Greg was a total dick, and Earl was a freakin' physcopath - but you know what? They doesn't exist and they're hilarious to read about. 

This book doesn't get half the praise and talk that it deserves.

Rating: 4.3/5 cookies (woo! That's high!)

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