Monday, 17 March 2014

Sister, Missing by Sophie McKenzie (Girl, Missing #2)

I don't know.
This book has confused my feelings. 
I don't like that.

So, to start off with this book started with a sudden plot twist... You know how sometimes there's a sudden death and you throw the book away from you, because where the hell did that come from? Yeah, the first page had one of those. THE FIRST FREAKIN' PAGE. NO SOPHIE. NO. Yeah, so that didn't start off well for me, it took me ten minutes to read the first page because I kept re-reading it in denial. So yep, I was really conflicted when started this book, it felt like I had been punched...

I can't be the only one, but, I always feel like the second book in a trilogy/series is the worst (don't lie, you know you feel the same way), and this one was no exception. There was no way I like this as much as the first one, it wasn't terrible and it was still fast paced and exciting, but boy did it drag on sometimes and bore me in some scenes.

And what happened to Lauren? Smart, brave, resourceful and independent Lauren, who kept getting distracted at the thought of James no longer liking her when she was trying to save her younger sister; SNAP OUT OF IT GIRL. Oh, and since when was she such a bitch anyway? All she did was snap at Shelby, and then hate her for defending herself, and put everyone she 'loved' around her in danger; yeah, smart move girl. UGH. NO. And don't even get me started on James, he was no better in this book with his lack of character.

Yet, Madison was still a cutie pie, and I still adore her to bits; and let me tell you, she is one heck of a brave and smart eight year old, jesus christ, I probably would have died if I was her by now. And then there's Shelby, who I actually started to sympathise with in this books since Lauren is such a moody cow, who was actually smart and right from the start.

The plot was okay - not as smart as the first book, but not bad. It did drag on a bit at the end and it got a bit ridiculous, but at the same time it kept you interested with all these small little plot twists (thank the lord.) It was also slightly darker than the last one, with a lot of characters deaths, which was fine, because I actually like character deaths sometimes... Is that bad?

Overall, I didn't mind this book and didn't think the plot was terrible, even though I wanted to punch Lauren throughout the whole of it. It was a disappointment, but I will read the next book in hope it picks up.

Have any of you read it? And what were your thoughts?

Age: 13+
Rating: 2.5/5

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