Monday, 14 April 2014

Eragon by Christopher Paolini (Inheritance Cycle #1)

Gah, this took me so long to finish.
It's so big.
And the next one is bigger.... *distant sobbing*

Now, this book has kinda been criticised because it's too similar to the Lord Of The Rings and other fantasy novels that set in an era like this; but, I don't feel this way, of course it's going to be similar! Besides, I actually quite like fantasy novels like this and I'm aiming to read more.

The concept of the main premise in this book is about dragon riders and their dragons (obviously), which I really enjoyed reading about as it's something I haven't really seen before. I like the idea of how the dragon and rider are sorta one, they're completely compatible (reminds me of best friends, who know way too much about each other.) I also quite like to read about a revolution (is it just me who enjoys reading about people who have had enough?) And holy hell is there a big one going on here.

But the main thing that made me enjoy this novel was Saphira who is about the sassiest dragon I've ever met, she just keeps coming up with all these small lines that make me giggle. She also puts Eragon in his place quite a lot, and lets face it, he does need it sometimes, being a Dragon Rider is getting to his head a bit.

I've also found an new ship which is always exciting: Arya and Eragon, because it's quite cute to watch him fumble around to please her and her not really caring about anything. I also quite like Arya because she's so kickass, I mean she sent a dragon egg across leagues which apparently is a very big deal and she fights better than most men (you go girl).

So yeah, this has been a very confusing review I think, I just sorta rambled on about different aspects of the book. Well, I did actually quite enjoy this book even though it took me a while to read and the first few chapters were a little slow, but once you get into it you're fine.

I'd love to hear your thoughts if you've read it.

Age: YA/A
Rating: 3.5/5

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